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Författare vet någon vad detta är?

Inlägg: 50
Hemort: kinnahult
Registrerad: 18.05.06
Publicerat datum: 12-11-2006 14:54
I min bil sitter de en enhet som ja inte vet vad den gör.
här kommer en bild.
tacksam för snabba svar

mvh micke

MAZDAMICKE bifogat denna bild:

Författare RE: vet någon vad detta är?

Inlägg: 269
Registrerad: 08.02.03
Publicerat datum: 12-11-2006 15:32
Själv vet jag inte vad det är, men här är lite info om den:



Bee Racing Rev Limiter:

The unique REV LIMITER from Power Builder Bee Racing is a device where a driver can use to prevent a vehicle's engine from being over rev. All parameter adjustments on this device can be made on the fly from the driver's seat. This REV LIMITER is achieved by cutting off the ignition at a preset RPM limit, and by re-routing a fuel dump. An aural feedback of back fire popping sound from the exhaust muffler is the result followed by a fantastic visual of fire coming out from the exhaust muffler tip. This aural & visual feedback are very similar to those experienced in the fully race-tuned race cars .

The rev limiter in the vehicle is controlled by the factory ECU by instructing the fuel pump to immediately stop the fuel supply to the engine. Such immediate forced fuel cut is not advisable if it happens frequently as it has damaging effects to the engine in the long run. On the other hand, with Power Builder Bee Racing's REV LIMITER, it actually cut off the engine ignition without stopping the fuel supply to the engine. With this function, over rev limit damage to the engine is prevented, and is a safer way in the long run when the engine is over revved past it recommended RPM limits.

The visual effect of having fire spitting out from the exhaust muffler every time there is a rev cut when the REV LIMITER is installed is not guaranteed by Bee Racing. This is due to the fact that fire would only result during high engine revving, and when the exhaust muffler is warm up, and also when the vehicle exhaust system is without a catalytic converter. Basically, the unrestricted vaporized fuel supply when ignition is cut off is lighted off when it mixes with the air from the engine air intake in the hot exhaust system. The hot temperature from the exhaust system is the catalyst that ignites the air-fuel combination in the absence of the ignition sparks.

Wire set up:
R E D - IG12V /Please refer to the wiring diagram supplied in the installation manual, and connect it to the designated vehicle's ECU.
BLACK - Connect this wire to theh vehicle's chassis' earth/ground contact, or the the vehicle's battery earth/ground terminal.
YELLOW - This wire is for the RPM signal. Please refer to the wiring diagram supplied in the installation manual, and connect it to the designated vehicle's ECU.
GREEN - This wire is for the ignition signal. Please refer to the wiring diagram supplied in the installation manual, and connect it to the designated vehicle's ECU.
WHITE - This wire is for the side brake switch signal. REV-1 works without connecting it.

REV-1: To set up standard RPM.
REV-2: The white wire connection set up the RPM readings that corresponds to the side brake switch signal. It works using an external switch. It switches off the engine by inputting a negative signal.
GAIN: Controls the engine RPM cut off setting. For example, o is off, and 1 ~ F is the adjustment range. The standard initial setting is 6.

Författare RE: vet någon vad detta är?

Inlägg: 269
Registrerad: 08.02.03
Publicerat datum: 12-11-2006 15:54
Mera info:



The unique REV LIMITER from Power Builder Bee Racing is a device where a driver can use to prevent a vehicle's engine from being over rev. All parameter adjustments on this device can be made on the fly from the driver's seat. This REV LIMITER is achieved by cutting off the ignition at a preset RPM limit, and by re-routing a fuel dump. An aural feedback of back fire popping sound from the exhaust muffler is the result followed by a fantastic visual of fire coming out from the exhaust muffler tip. This aural & visual feedback are very similar to those experienced in the fully race-tuned race cars .

Is it really safe to use REV LIMITER?
The rev limiter in the vehicle is controlled by the factory ECU by instructing the fuel pump to immediately stop the fuel supply to the engine. Such immediate forced fuel cut is not advisable if it happens frequently as it has damaging effects to the engine in the long run. On the other hand, with Power Builder Bee Racing's REV LIMITER, it actually cut off the engine ignition without stopping the fuel supply to the engine. With this function, over rev limit damage to the engine is prevented, and is a safer way in the long run when the engine is over revved past it recommended RPM limits.

Can I install by myself?
The REV LIMITER device can be DIY installed. It has four wires of different colors that needs to be connected to the vehicle's ECU. Please refer to installation manual for detail instructions.

My car using POWER FC. Can I install this REV LIMITER?
A earth grounding issue has to be resolved if a vehicle is fitted with an aftermarket APEXi Power FC unit. This grounding issue is due to a lack of a ground terminal in the APEXi unit. The REV LIMITER uses the ground signal to cut off the ignition signal from the ECU. Since APEXi Power FC is a piggy back computer, and manipulates the original engine parameters' signals from the ECU before re-routing these modified signals to the vehicle individual engine components, a separate grounding signal is required from the APEXi Power FC. Once this grounding issue has been resolved, the REV LIMITER will be able to function as it is intended to be.

When can a car get the effect of back fire with popping sound from the exhaust muffler?
The visual effect of having fire spitting out from the exhaust muffler every time there is a rev cut when the REV LIMITER is installed is not guaranteed by Bee Racing. This is due to the fact that fire would only result during high engine revving, and when the exhaust muffler is warm up, and also when the vehicle exhaust system is without a catalytic converter. Basically, the unrestricted vaporized fuel supply when ignition is cut off is lighted off when it mixes with the air from the engine air intake in the hot exhaust system. The hot temperature from the exhaust system is the catalyst that ignites the air-fuel combination in the absence of the ignition sparks.



R E D IG12V /Please refer to the wiring diagram supplied in the installation manual, and connect it to the designated vehicle's ECU.
BLACK Connect this wire to theh vehicle's chassis' earth/ground contact, or the the vehicle's battery earth/ground terminal.
YELLOW This wire is for the RPM signal. Please refer to the wiring diagram supplied in the installation manual, and connect it to the designated vehicle's ECU.
GREEN This wire is for the ignition signal. Please refer to the wiring diagram supplied in the installation manual, and connect it to the designated vehicle's ECU.
WHITE This wire is for the side brake switch signal. REV-1 works without connecting it.

REV-1: To set up standard RPM.
REV-2: The white wire connection set up the RPM readings that corresponds to the side brake switch signal. It works using an external switch. It switches off the engine by inputting a negative signal.
GAIN: Controls the engine RPM cut off setting. For example, o is off, and 1 ~ F is the adjustment range. The standard initial setting is 6.

When engine RPM reaches a set over rev RPM limit, it will cut off engine ignition to prevent the engine from being over revved. There should be no interruption of engine preformance up to the set over rev RPM limit.


TK No. Description Price in JPY
(Price in US$) Item Cart
19773 Rev Limiter/Nissan Model ¥28800 US$266
19774 Rev Limiter/Toyota Model ¥28800 US$266
19775 Rev Limiter/Mitsubishi Model ¥28800 US$266
19776 Rev Limiter/Mazda Model ¥28800 US$266
19777 Rev Limiter/Subaru Model ¥28800 US$266
19778 Rev Limiter/Honda Model ¥28800 US$266
24319 Rev Limiter/Honda Model-Type2 ¥28800 US$266

Redigerat av stefanolsson69 datum: 12-11-2006 15:57
Författare RE: vet någon vad detta är?


Inlägg: 121
Hemort: Färentuna, Ekerö
Registrerad: 02.09.04
Publicerat datum: 12-11-2006 20:42
Hur bra mår katalysatorn?

1 st RX3-73, 13B dubbelturbo
ET: 11,48 s; 186 km/h
1 st RX3-73, projekt
1 st Nissan 350Z-03
Författare RE: vet någon vad detta är?

Inlägg: 50
Hemort: kinnahult
Registrerad: 18.05.06
Publicerat datum: 12-11-2006 21:38
jo då den ska må bra
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19 Feb : 21:56
Har felanmält problemet som uppstått med vanliga adressen.

03 Nov : 22:13
Ni får gärna rensa ibland era pm, DE TAR STOR PLATS I DATABASEN!

03 Nov : 21:55
Vänligen använd inte detta klotterplank!

18 Oct : 18:44
kom ett paket i dag Lasse! hämtar ut det imorgon sen är det tok meck i helgen

18 Oct : 06:05
bratten och lasse.W har pm

17 Oct : 21:39
jag var där. stack efter halvtid. fotboll är sååå tråkigt.

MR Wankeltrim
17 Oct : 20:30
1-1 för j*v#a dåligt .

MR Wankeltrim
17 Oct : 19:24
Paus.. Ser bra ut inu smiley

MR Wankeltrim
17 Oct : 18:57
Nä en kall öl o sen är det fotboll på tv:n smiley

17 Oct : 17:53
Mr Wankeltrim PM!

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