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Jämförelse USA
Inlägg: 1352
Hemort: Ekerö
Registrerad: 19.02.04
Publicerat datum: 08-10-2006 14:32
Läs och begrunda. Återigen bra res. p.g.a. vägegenskaper.
Just got my Nov issue of C&D. They have a new comparision test called the Lightening Lap. They call it a new performance standard for cars and their version of the Nurburgring benchmark. The test is on the Virginia International Raceway - 4.2 mile road course. Here are some of the results:
LL1 (under 30K)
car - best lap time (min:secs), peak speed (mph), max lateral g
1) 350Z Track - 3:12.5, 124.3, 0.9
2) Evo MR - 3:13.5, 124, 0.94
3) RX-8 - 3:19.0, 116.4, 0.86
4) Cobalt SS - 3:20.6, 117.1, 0.85
5) Mustang GT - 3:20.9, 119.3, 0.88
6) GTI - 3:25.1, 112.0, 0.82
7) Civic Si - 3:26.5, 111.6, 0.80
8) MX-5 - 3:29.3, 108.6, 0.83
The 8 beat the Mustang GT, but it is a good 6.5 secs off the Z's time. Too bad they did not have the S2000 in the test.
Other categories and final order:
LL2 (30 - 60K) - Elise, Corvette, Cayman S, GT500, Charger SRT 8 (3:18.2)
LL3 (60 - 120K) - Z06, Viper SRT 10, M6 (3:10.0)
LL4 (120 - 240K) - Ford GT (3:00.7)
LP. En R(x)åtta. \"En Racecar R(x)åtta.\" Fyra roåttingar- Blatten,Grålle,Silvia & Bruno + en flytande röding.
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